
Ep 26 Reducing Stress Might Not Be What You Think

This type of stress is generally not talked about much amongst our friends and family, and certainly not addressed when. you are sitting in your doctors office asking why you don’t feel like yourself anymore. Listen to this weeks’ podcast to get a better understanding of stressors that are actually IN your control.

Episode 21: How I knew I had Gut Issues

So how do we know there is something up?

I’m going to review the top ten signals that your gut tells you. One or many of these symptoms should clue you in, that your gut needs more support than it is currently getting, in order to get back to homeostasis.Where things go off the rails is when there is a constant sense of threat / stimulus (all the same or many different), and there is no retreat from the threat for the brain to rest, repair, and recover. You can even sleep in a heightened stress state.

Episode 20: My Personal Boundaries Were Costing My Happiness

Stress activates our nervous system, and it is defined as a stimulus that causes the brain to feel threatened in some way. When the brain senses this imbalance of safety, it manages it with a hormonal response, which is trying to make you feel safe again. This is a natural rhythm that works for our bodies that are designed to handle stress and normal for the body to experience throughout a typical day.
Where things go off the rails is when there is a constant sense of threat / stimulus (all the same or many different), and there is no retreat from the threat for the brain to rest, repair, and recover. You can even sleep in a heightened stress state.

Episode 19: Are You Tired of Being Hormonal?

Pulling all of these together can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. I lay out for you the plan of action and how women have been changing the narrative on hormone health and taking action for self advocacy.

Episode 17: Boundaries Change Hormones

Setting boundaries is how you take back control of your life, regulate your nervous system, and stay in tune with your body and your hormones. Well, this and the hormone happiness project! Jump into the next round to get answers about your own body and get the testing that is truly changing the lives of so many women who know they have hormone imbalances, they just don’t know where to start.